
VEVA sets out to test World Record for number of EVs in one place

The future is electric. A vision of when all vehicles are zero emission is set for September 25, 2022 at BCIT’s EVolution ‘22 where, among 45 other attractions, the largest gathering of electric vehicles worldwide will be attempted.

Electric vehicle growth has exploded in the past few years with British Columbia leading North America in per capita adoption. BC first quarter 2022 zero emission vehicle registrations were at 17.1% - the highest in Canada, and if you just take the census metropolitan area of Vancouver that number bumps to 21.6%.  The same thing has happened with personal e-mobility.  E-bikes, scooters, skateboards and unicycles are booming too. “There is no better place than in Greater Vancouver to hold this come together event for EVs (Electric Vehicles)” said John Stonier, Spokesperson for the Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association (VEVA). He continued “A common trait of electric vehicle owners is that they love to share their knowledge and passion for this technology – Flash Forward will provide the largest aggregation of e-vehicles ever attempted.”

The event will be part of BC Institute of Technology’s EVolution ‘22 that promises to be the biggest electrified vehicle show of the year.  Being held September 25 at BCIT’s Burnaby campus, attendees will be able to discover and learn the realities about our evolving EV Ecosystem as they engage in over 45 “edutainment” attractions with something for everyone in the family – and it’s free to attend. “We want to break down all the ‘mythinformation’ about EV culture and empower the public to become informed consumers who can support the growth of sustainable energy and electrified transportation in all its forms.” added Bryan Fair, EVolution ’22 Event Director. 

VEVA is calling out to all electric vehicle owners to participate in this free event. It will be an unprecedented opportunity to meet other EV owners and will include awards, prizes and special offers to be announced shortly.

Both individuals and businesses are invited to register their attending vehicles in one of five categories representing the full spectrum of electric technology on our roads today. The five vehicle categories are:

  1. Battery electric cars, trucks, motorcycles (BEV's registered in BC by ICBC or other Prov/State’s Department of Motor Vehicles)
  2. Personal e-mobility: bikes, scooters, skateboards, Segways and unicycles. (PEV)
  3. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles  (FCEV)
  4. Electric vehicle conversions (BEV)
  5. Plug-in hybrid with minimum 30km all electric range (PHEV)
According to Electric Autonomy, Canada’s leading news outlet for electric vehicles, the world record was set in October 2021 in Quebec with 733 vehicles. The question will be, which category will have the most attendees? For that, the e-mobility motoring public will decide.

But things are moving fast in the EV world.  A California event happening August 6th could bump this record.  Will British Columbia EV drivers meet the challenge?

Registrations for Flash Forward are open now at https://veva.ca/.