
Now get to know the A-Class interactively

DAIMLER AG - Anticipation is half the fun! Customers and anyone else interested in the new A-Class already have the chance to familiarise themselves with the new car: the free, interactive A-Class Guide provides information on the vehicle and its operation.

Animations and short films supplement the owner's manual and operating instructions and vividly show how specific functions are used and how innovations such as COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST, for example, work in detail. User friendliness was particularly important to the software developers: the quick start option on the menu contains overviews of selected topics. As well as searching alphabetically, there is a visual search function featuring 3D representations. The section on breakdown assistance offers useful tips on how to change bulbs, for example.

The A-Class Guide can be downloaded via the new Mercedes-Benz Guides app. This app resembles an interactive kiosk which can store guides for users like virtual books. The Mercedes-Benz Guides app and the respective guides are available free of charge for iPhones and Android smartphones. The "News" section contains user updates for the app, as well as information about new guides.