
Nissan Canada and PowerStream Demonstrate Nissan “LEAF to Home” charging system for first time in Canada

NISSAN CANADA - Last week, Nissan and its strategic partner, PowerStream, made history when they showcased an interactive exhibit demonstrating the integration of electric cars like the Nissan LEAF into the home with the latest Smart Grid technologies. The display, which marks the first real-life demonstration of V2H technology in Canada, took place at Georgian College in Barrie. "V2H" stands for the "Vehicle to Home" system, which enables energy that is stored in an electric vehicle's batteries to be used in residential homes.

With a 24kW lithium-ion battery, the Nissan LEAF is able to provide the typical Canadian household with enough electricity for a full day, when the battery is fully charged. The "LEAF to Home" electricity supply system, which achieves high capacity and reliability only possible with a vehicle battery, is swiftly gathering attention as a new form of infrastructure, and as a contributing factor to energy saving and alternate energy use. For example, cutting off one's own household from the power system network when demands are highest would be a significant contribution towards the stable supply of power.

"As a global leader in the development and sale of electric vehicles, we know it is crucial to partner with companies like PowerStream to expand the use of this technology and to open doors to more consumers," said Allen Childs, President of Nissan Canada.  "The public debut of V2H in Canada today will drive new advancements and collaboration in the auto industry of tomorrow. V2H will foster literal connections, such as those between vehicles, infrastructure, the Internet, and the nation's electrical grid, and the connections and relationships between engineers who are developing the next generation vehicle technology."

The Nissan/PowerStream V2H display demonstrates some of the most far-reaching technical capabilities yet of the future Smart Grid and home, including:

·         The EV communicating directly with the utility or with the home energy manager to help manage electricity consumption;

·         The EV acting as a back-up power source in the event of a power outage;

·         Time-of-Use demand response scenarios where devices in the home like the refrigerator, washer/dryer and EV charger react to changes in the prices of electricity based upon the time of day.

This announcement comes 10 months after PowerStream, the second largest municipally-owned electricity distribution company in Ontario, became the first organization in Canada to take delivery of the fully-electric Nissan LEAF.  

"The collaboration between Nissan and PowerStream illustrates the dramatic changes underway in technology, and how two industry leaders can collaborate to benefit consumers," said Frank Scarpitti, PowerStream Board Chair and Town of Markham Mayor. "The PowerStream/Nissan display proves how smart connections between the grid, the home and the car can help us improve the way energy is managed, consumed – and conserved."

Allen Childs, President of Nissan Canada Inc. (right), along with Brian Bentz, President and CEO of PowerStream (left) and PowerStream Board Chair and Town of Markham Mayor, Frank Scarpitti (middle), plug in the all-electric Nissan LEAF to demonstrate the integration of electric cars into the home with the latest Smart Grid technologies.

Nissan Canada and PowerStream demonstrate Nissan "LEAF to Home" charging system for first time in Canada at Georgian College Auto Show in Barrie.