NISSAN CANADA - Last Friday, the Nissan LEAF solidified its leadership position in the electric vehicle segment at the conclusion of the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada (AJAC) EcoRun event, where the 100 per cent electric car demonstrated significant running cost savings versus that of a typical fuel-efficient vehicle.

The AJAC EcoRun had one purpose: to demonstrate to Canadians the latest in fuel-efficient technologies being introduced by automobile manufacturers. The concept is loosely based on England's historic London-to-Brighton run for vintage cars; the Canadian version was focused on "green" cars. Over the course of three days, the zero-emission Nissan LEAF was driven 372 kilometres by seven AJAC members, starting in Brighton, Ontario, and concluding in London, Ontario.
The Nissan LEAF achieved average energy economy of 7.2 kms/kwh. Adding to the impressive driving economy figures was the sophisticated Eco Indicator, which provides feedback on how economically the Nissan LEAF is being driven. Driving factors include: acceleration application, braking, driving and traffic conditions, heating and air conditioning use, and vehicle idle time. The Eco Indicator revealed AJAC journalists achieved a substantial Eco Forest consisting of 22 virtual trees at the conclusion of the EcoRun.
"As pioneers in the field of electric vehicle technology, we were thrilled for the opportunity to participate in the AJAC EcoRun and drive further awareness about the tangible benefits of electric mobility, and how fun-to-drive and innovative the Nissan LEAF is," said Allen Childs, president of Nissan Canada Inc. "The Nissan LEAF's impressive performance throughout the event validates Nissan's clear vision and the values of sustainable mobility that we offer to customers around the globe."
Thanks to the conscious driving behaviour of the AJAC members behind the wheel of the Nissan LEAF, they achieved impressive range and energy usage statistics.
The Nissan LEAF's AJAC EcoRun scorecard:
Distance: 372
Time (minutes): 486
Speed (km/hr): 46
Avg. Energy Economy (kms/kwh): 7.2
Energy Utilized (kwh): 52
Energy cost ($): $5
Equivalent Fuel Cost ($): $36
Running cost savings: $30
Number of eco trees grown: 22
To read more about the Nissan LEAF's AJAC EcoRun adventure, visit the Nissan LEAF Canada Facebook page:
Nissan is the first automaker committed to making affordable, all-electric vehicles available to the mass market globally. The Nissan LEAF is a medium-size hatchback that seats five adults comfortably and has a range of 160 kilometres (based on U.S. EPA LA4 cycle) on one full charge to satisfy real-world consumer requirements. The well-equipped Nissan LEAF is available for $38,395 and has sold more than 260 cars in Canada and 27,000 worldwide, making it the best-selling electric car ever. Purchase is eligible through an online reservation process for those registered at and living within 65 kilometres of an EV-certified Nissan dealer.